Fantastic Voyage
This project was about recording and generating an overview of visual and other sensory data between two endpoints in an outdoor space. Both ends were set up as accommodation and college, and among the various subjective influences, the density of people in the tube and the noise heard inside and outside were selected and drawn. I used folding paper because I wanted to show when it was off-peak time and peak time.

The mapping was designed by adding additional noise from the prototype that was made with only as a prototype. The design was made by dividing the front and back. The front shows off peak time, the back shows the density at peak time, and the sounds from the tube. 

I tried this unique colour in two lines: Central line and Bakerloo line. To express the density, transparency was adjusted and the size of the circle was designed differently.


이 프로젝트는 장소의 시각 및 기타 감각 데이터를 기록하고 개요를 생성하는 것이었다. 기숙사와 학교로 두 지점을 설정하고, 다양한 주관적 영향 중에서 두 라인의 튜브 안에 있는 사람 밀집도와 실내외에서 들리는 소음을 선택하여 그렸다. 한산한 시간과 피크 타임의 밀도와 튜브의 소음 소리를 효과적으로 보여주기 위해 접이식 종이를 사용했다.

Folding paper, 160mm X 160mm
